
The EPMA Difference


As workplaces become increasingly competitive, new graduates entering the workforce are becoming frustrated with the fact that they need experience to get experience. Employers are increasingly seeking well-rounded graduates in terms of both academic and practical experience in their fields. To succeed, you need to make a strong impression and attract people's attention in the face of stiff competition.

By integrating academic studies with workplace experience, training through EPMA will help you stand out and significantly increase your chances of securing the job you want. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 72.2 percent of graduates who attended a school that integrated education with real-world experience received a job offer, compared to just 36.5 percent of those who did not.


Students at the Event Planning and Management Academy receive a comprehensive education combined with an opportunity to gain experience while attending school, bridging the gap between education and employment to allow our students to be job-ready. That is what employers want. They want graduates who have excelled academically and have real-world work experience - that combination gets noticed and makes a difference, both on CVs and during interviews. Give yourself the opportunity to make THAT difference...the EPMA difference.


To ensure a well-rounded learning experience, EPMA combines academic studies with a program called the Real-World Work Program. In the program, each student is assigned to a sponsor company and an experienced mentor to adequately prepare them to achieve success in their future careers. It allows students to harness the skills, knowledge, and theoretical practice they learned in class and apply them to real-life practical situations. The experience enables students to gain first-hand exposure to working in the real world. All student account balances must be paid in full before they can participate in the Real-World Work Program.


Compared to an internship, the Real-World Work Program provides you with more autonomy and responsibility in which you are involved in every aspect of the event you are participating in. You obtain more relevant work experience because you ARE the lead consultant and NOT an assistant or intern to one. In addition, your sponsor company is training you with the intent to hire upon completion. As a result, you will learn more as you work on events and projects that directly contribute to the bottom line of your assigned company. There are 5 key differences, which you can find listed below:

Real-World Work Program: Difference 1

Length of Real-World Work Program range from 9-15 months. The longer duration of the program ensures that the training received prepares the student to step into a position.

Internship Program: Difference 1

Length of internship program is 3-6 months.

Real-World Work Program: Difference 2

The Real-World Work Program includes a structured training plan, with a focus on mastering specific skills an employer needs to fill an occupation within their organisation.

Internship: Difference 2

The internship program is structured and often focus on entry-level general work experience. It typically lack structure due to the shorter duration of the program. Interns often do not have an opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge or experience.

Real-World Work Program: Difference 2

Completion of the Real-World Work Program will lead to a job offer. Completion of the program will placed the student into the Job Placement Scheme that guarantees them a job within two months of graduation. As a result, it is a more concrete pathway to a good job.

Internship Program: Difference 2

Completion of the internship program may or may not lead to a job offer.

Real-World Work Program: Difference 3

Work-based training: Think of the Real-World Work Program as an on-ramp to a career. It prepares students to step into a career through meaningful, productive work combined with related classroom instruction.

Internship Program: Difference 3

Work-based learning: Think of internships like trying out a job, similar to a taste test, and is often a more general position. It supports career readiness by providing opportunities to interact with professionals in the field and exposure to a work environment.

Real-World Work Program: Difference 4

It offers greater autonomy and responsibility, as you are involved in every aspect of the event you're working on. You gain more relevant work experience because you are the lead event planner, rather than an assistant to one. A mentor is on hand to provide guidance and support in developing job-related skills.

Internship Program: Difference 4

It provides less autonomy and responsibility under the supervision of a lead event planner.

Real-World Work Program: Difference 5

Upon completion of the program, it will give you the qualification recognition title as a certified event planner. Professional certification is important for personal growth, add credibility to your expertise and increase earning potential.

Internship Program: Difference 5

Does not lead to an industry-recognized credential. The main benefit you get from an internship program is work-based experience that you can add to your CV, which can help you secure a job after completing the program.

View Program and Courses


  • Choose A Program

    Examine the program and pick a program. If you have any queries or require assistance, please get in touch by telephone, live chat, or email. Our knowledgeable enrollment specialist can answer any of your queries, examine your options, and steer you in the right direction.

  • Program Enrollment

    Online enrollment is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You may also enrol by telephone, post, live chat, or fax.

  • Enrollment Confirmation

    Once you have submitted the application form and payment, you will then receive email confirmation details for your records. One of our enrollment specialists will get in touch with you shortly with further details of your enrollment.



The quickest and most convenient way to enrol is by registering online. Simply click the "Enrol Now" button from any page on our website and complete the enrollment form


Our team of Admissions Specialists are available to provide bespoke support and answer any questions you may have about the enrollment process and policies.


Print out the Enrollment Form. Mail your completed Enrollment Form, including mailing label, along with your chosen form of payment.


Print out the Enrollment Form. Post your completed Enrollment Form, along with the mailing label, and your chosen payment method.