
About Us


The Event Planning and Management Academy (EPMA) was established in 2010. Our courses and programs are internationally recognized by trade associations, companies, and event professionals. We offer comprehensive training programs that aim to equip you with the skills necessary for a successful career. EPMA provides the first certification program to combine on-the-job training with an online study process, giving you an edge over other consultants in your area. The experience is unparalleled as you will gain practical work and career-related experience through the program.


The integration of online studying and work experience is essential for closing the divide between education and employment, preparing you for the job market. This is what employers seek. They want graduates who have excelled academically and have practical work experience – this blend sets you apart and carries significant weight, both on resumes and during interviews. Give yourself the chance to make THAT difference – the EPMA difference – by enrolling today.